From the liner notes:
J.C.A.T. *
There was a chill in the air this morning
And the leaves on the buckeye tree
Are putting on new colors
And I feel a change in me
It would surely be wrong to fight it
For change is nature’s way
And I expect to be different tomorrow
Than what I am today
Well, Hello! Here I am back again. And I have not enjoyed myself as much in three years as I did recording these new songs this week. It’s the first time since we began television that I’ve had time to spend two or three days in the studio.
The result of that labor of love is this album of new songs. I have never been prouder of an album than I have this one. There are only three instruments on this album, The Tennessee Three, plus myself on rhythm guitar. There are two other voices: June Carter’s, and Rev. Billy Graham’s.
We hope this will be the first of many albums of new songs. We’re going to continue to work hard at making records and personal appearances, the two things I really love doing.
I speak my mind in a lot of these songs. The lyrics express my feelings for a lot of things, and my feelings never change on some things, yet must change on others. As I recently told a reporter:
“Yes, I feel different now than I did a year ago
About so-and-so.
A year ago I had done a lot less thinking
Than I have now.”
Then the reporter said,
“But last year, I thought you said, ‘……'”
“Yes, I did say that last year
But I changed my mind
I changed a lot of things
A lot of things changed me
I’m always changing, always will be changing
I’m growing, building, expanding.
I am still being born
You haven’t seen the complete me yet.”
So the reporter asks,
“Then there is nothing constant about you?”
I answer, “Yes. I have many constants.
I never quit
I never give up
I love people
I will always believe in God
I love music
I love to write
I love to perform
I love my country
I believe in its youth and always have and always will.
These are a few of my constants and there are others
However, in most things, I’m changing.”
“So,” I said to the reporter,
“Please don’t tell anybody
How I feel about anything else
Unless I told you in the last few days.”
So here is an album that we’ve recorded in the last few days. The product of change. From the happy, hard working J.C.A.T.*
Johnny Cash
*J.C.A.T.: Johnny Cash After Television