From the liner notes:
Sometimes when I am singing
I look into the blue light
And I see dusty roads and green lush meadows
I put myself into another time and place
I sing a song that has long ago become second nature to me
And I think about tomorrow
I talk to you from my heart in between these songs
Song after song after song
And I know that you understand
That I am proud that you have listened
Your enthusiasm overwhelms me
I am embarrassed
But I try to not let you know
Then I sing a gospel song
And I reach up and grab a handful
And I start feeling the power of love
And a chill goes down my spine
And my hands get hot from emotion
And I suppose my eyes dilate
For my excitement becomes more and more intense
I shout the words
And there’s love in every word I shout
Because the love from Him
Is going through me to you
I look down at you
And there you are
Sweet people
Reaching up for me
Oh how I wish I could tell you
How the power of the love goes through me to you
And comes back to me from you
And when you reach your hands up to me
My heart is bursting
I am weeping for joy inside
I want to reach down
And hold all of you
Touch you
But anything I could do
Wouldn’t really explain how wonderful I feel
So I step back
And smile at you
And take a bow
It’s beyond me
It’s above me
It’s a gift of God
This thing called love
– Johnny Cash