Songwriter: John R. Cash
The assembly line is running slow on Monday
They’ve been living it up and laying up Saturday and Sunday
On Tuesday they’re about to come around
But they still feel bad and they’re kinda down
And mad cause they’ve got four more days
before the weekend rolls around
On Wednesday they’re feeling fine again
And they’re working like a dog and digging in
Trying to do everything they should
putting the cars together good
And I got myself a car that was made
On Wednesday, on Wednesday
If you’re going to buy yourself a new car
You just better hope you’re lucky enough
To get one made on Wednesday
If you’re gonna buy yourself a new car
You just better hope you’re lucky enough
To get one made on Wednesday
On Thursday the weekend is in sight
And they’re in a hurry and they don’t do nothing right
Friday is the worst day of the week
That’s the day they make lemons dogs and freaks
If your car was made on Friday
Friend, you’ll soon be in the creek
’Cause it’s payday and the loafin’ has begun
Lord them Friday cars just hope you don’t get one
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Are all bad days and the only try day is Wednesday
And my car was made
On Wednesday, on Wednesday
If your car wasn’t made on Wednesday
I’d advise you not to even leave home any